
Hello home, Linda Adhiambo

Linda lives in Berlin with her family. The last year has come to change the path in her life and she will now go from working as Content Creator to start working with children. Linda dreams of spending half the year in Ghana and half in Berlin, all to escape the cold. Meet Linda in a personal interview.

May 03, 2023

Hey Linda, how are you today?
I’m feeling good but also really tired. Life with 3 Kids and a baby is quite hectic and adventurous. I need some sleep. I also just got back from a 6 day trip with my kids without
my husband. That was a little bit exhausting.

"I spent the last year figuring out what I want to do and I’m glad to soon start working with kids"

Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I am Linda, 35, living in Berlin with my husband and 4 beautiful kids. I am a Content Creator who has finally decided to try a new path. I spent the last year figuring out what I want to do and I’m glad to soon start working with kids. I love my city, I love food, I love fashion and I love travelling. With kids it can definitely be challenging, but creating memories together is a wonderful thing to do. Hosting dinner parties, brunches, and spending time with friends is my thing!

Spring has finally arrived in Berlin: How have you been spending the first warm days in the city?
Finally! I don’t like winter at all and my biggest dream is to move 6 Months to Ghana to escape the cold and to live 6 Months here in Berlin to enjoy the sun. Hopefully my dream
will one day come true. My kids love sports. Therefore we spent the days either on a football field or at the playground. We also had our first ice-creams. That was so good.

Where did and do you find inspiration for your apartment?
Thanks to Pinterest and Instagram I follow many Interior Blogger who have a good eye for beautiful things. One of my best friends happens to be one of them. She is a huge
inspiration when it comes to decorating our apartment and buying new furniture. I also love going to flea markets or Second Hand Shops. I love to browse flea markets and second hand. There are some treasures hiding there. I find it really cool that each piece has its own story.

You have quiet a big family: How do you manage to find the right balance between aesthetics and functionality when it comes to interior?
We live in a small apartment. I try to use furniture that I can easily move around when either the kids need space or when I need to re-arrange the rooms. I also use multifunctional furniture. That gives me the opportunity to keep them for long. When it comes to aesthetics I don’t include my family.

And how would you describe home in one sentence?
Home is where you find love, peace, joy and can be yourself.

What makes you get up in the morning?
Life makes me wake up in the morning :) I’m living a life that I always imagined and wished for while growing up. And my Kids jump in our bed every morning screaming that they are hungry. That is surely a reason to get up every morning. Each day is a fresh start and new beginning of the day. If I have a bad day I know that I have the next morning to have my
coffee while making breakfast, listen to music and bring back the positive energy that I need for the day.

Tell us your three favorite things about living in Berlin!
Berlin has an affordable living compared to other major European cities. You can eat very well for little money! It is easy to connect with people here because of the open mentality that people have. Berlin has a thriving art scene and and a lot of green spaces to visit. I love the cultural diversity that this city has to offer.