Each piece of furniture holds its own narrative, telling a story about the people...
Edvin Törnblom’s apartment is a vivid expression of his personality, where every corner tells a story of individuality and comfort. The space strikes a balance between vibrant art and cozy, lived-in elements, blending eclectic and minimalist design to create a harmonious atmosphere. Bold colors meet serene neutrals, reflecting Edvin's dynamic yet sophisticated style.
When Edvin moved into his unrenovated apartment, he saw it as a blank canvas. He refreshed every surface, but his approach to interior design went beyond aesthetics—it was about cultivating a home rich in character and history. Rejecting the minimalist trends of today, Edvin embraced the idea of a home as a collection of meaningful pieces gathered over time. Items from his parents, previous apartment, and grandmother all found a place in his home, adding layers of personal significance.
Despite advice to avoid bold colors in his small space, Edvin stayed true to his vibrant palette. His kitchen, painted a striking green, stands out, while a warm beige permeates the home, offering a versatile backdrop for his colorful touches. The crowning jewel is the wallpaper in his sleeping alcove, designed by Alessandro Michele of Gucci, Edvin’s interior design idol. This wallpaper transforms the alcove into a dreamlike retreat, where Edvin wakes up each day feeling as though he’s in his own version of paradise, perfectly encapsulating his bold, personal approach to creating a sanctuary.
The wallpaper transforms the alcove into a dreamlike retreat, where Edvin wakes up each day feeling as though he’s in his own version of paradise.