
Wall of Art KIDS

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson is one of our creators and is now also relevant in connection with our new children's collection. When Anna became a mother and it was time to create a children's room, she felt that it was taken unique children's motifs that could not find everywhere, and instead chose to create your own art for his daughter Anine's room. After a prerequisite meeting together with us, the idea of strengthening and widening the range. Together we created a playful moodboard and then it was running. Thanks to one of Anna's motif, her daughter can say its first word.


Anna! The launch of the Wall of Art Kids has gone off the stack, and you have actually been with from the beginning when we arrived at the whole idea! What do you say, became that you were thinking from the beginning?
Yes exactly. It has been so fun that based on an idea see how the concept has emerged and how all artists delivered amazing articles. It is also incredible to see how Wall of Art has packaged the project in a modern and playful way that feels contemporary and puts children's art in line with adults.

First of all, you recently became the mother of beautiful Anine! Tell me about it, how is it to be mother?
Being mother is wonderful, inspiring and fun but also a tremendous trial, most with children can probably recognize themselves. I could never imagine how it would actually be and how big it actually feels now when she is here and I have a completely small life to take care of and protect. But I really feel how it lives a lion mother and superwoman in me, in all women, which is so awesome.

What is Anines funniest properties?
Anine is a girl who knows what she wants, she has a fantastic mine game and understands just when she does something that may not be so popper at mom and dad, haha. I am really looking forward to seeing Anine developing into one's own individual and hope we can raise a kind, go and happy but above all the safe girl.



Meanwhile you have been at home with Anine, there has been time for more creative than before and has the role of Mom affected you as an artist?
It has definitely been time to think, dream, inspired and plan, but the less time for actually execution. Being mom probably affected me more than I understand. A clear difference is that I care less about the result and feel more often that my paintings are good enough compared to earlier then everything would be perfect. I have learned that very few things are perfect and that what is not perfect is often more interesting.

Where did the idea come with a child collection?
My interest in color, shape and furnishings have always been a big part of my life and when Anine arrived I got my eyes for children's room. What I immediately noticed was that the market for fine motifs for children's room was very limited and often monotonous. It was either small perfect stairs with oversized heads or the right boring alphabet. With it I started sketching on some motifs I set up in Anine's room and as some close friends got in gift. Then it started to come in requests and the idea of joining the Wall of Art and launching a new genre was born.

Do you think it is important for children to explore their creativity in different ways?
Really, I see it as a more abstract way for children to communicate on. And it is my responsibility that adults to let anine get to live out and test their way. Color and shape may not suit all children, but to test and feel freedom is important I think.


Tell me about you like little, there was an artist in you already?
Well but it did. My mom was very good at letting me play freely and there was always access to the ball of yarn, trolldeg and caramel paint. I remember a clear example when I was around eight, we had a test in Swedish and word knowledge, I got very few right. At the same time, the school had received new pens and after there were only base colors there were now pens in both gold and silver. Of course I thought it was amazing fun. But since I performed so bad in the Swedish the teacher chose not to give me some of the new pens. I remember it so clearly and I can still feel the disappointment I experienced. It can sound banal, it was a couple of pens, but that children are limited in this way, for whatever reason is wrong. Mom had to take a call with the teacher and I got to close to the new pens.

The collection encourages parents and children to, through imagination and dreams, create their own fairy tales to the motifs, carry your motifs on a fairy tale?
My motives should encourage their own fantasies and with little words and messages give hope and joy. I want children, like my anine, should point to the motifs and express small words that come to them. Anine has learned to say cat, she has the design "Space Cat" above his bed. And almost daily she points to it and says cat. That she said cat before mom may still be seen as a good rating to the subject, haha.


Did you feel a big difference in the creation of your regular motives compared to now?
Absolutely. Usually I have a very clear niche, I want to create in simplicity which I hope to leave more space for the viewer's interpretation. When I now created my children's motif I released the child in me, but combined it with the experience of my adult I. It was exciting and brand new.

Do you think part of your children's mind remains and that it reflects your art yet today?
I think and hope it! Hopefully now more than ever before.


Tell me about your artworks!
I have tried to work with techniques and tools that children can associate, crayons, mark, etc. The motifs are positive, a little naive and mix perfectly painted details with more abstract forms. My ambition was also to create works that cannot at all be attributed to "boyish" or "girlish", art is for children.

What are you dreaming about right now?
The fact that my parents should be able to socialize unhindered with Anine and that life returns to something more socially and less isolated. I dream of sun and lovely summer evenings with dinners and friends. But most I dream enough to sleep a whole night, Haha.