
Hello home, Edvin Törnblom

One out of two of Sweden's famous people, currently very topical with a sold-out arena tour together with the duo partner Johanna Nordström. During the course of the year, we also got to hear his sweet voice in the podcast Ursäkta, he made his hosting debut during the QX gala and managed to record a TV series. Much of what he dreamed of as a child has come true, and who knows, one day he might be able to call himself a hairdresser too. Meet Edvin in a personal interview and find out what he does when no one is looking.

Edvin, how are you today?
I feel great today, just a little troubled with a cough haha, but otherwise it's great. I really love this time of year, October is coming up. When it's cold and hot, perfect for us slightly fat people who sweat a lot. You can wear cool clothes and not sweat as soon as you are outdoors and moving. It's great.

"We've just finished three amazing nights and shows at Globen and it's crazy to even be able to say that?!?"

What is happening in your life right now?
Right now I am in the middle of my and Johanna Nordström's arena tour, Ursäkta Live, which we have created based on our podcast called Ursäkta. We've just finished three fantastic nights at Globen and it's crazy to even be able to say that?!? Now we are going out to the rest of the country, Linköping, Gothenburg and Malmö. It's so damn fun! We have such an amazing show with the best dancers, the best stage, the best lighting, the best sound, we've kind of created an incredible show that we're so proud of. Other than that, not much happens, trying to be a bit off after the summer, haha. I've kind of tired after everything I've done this summer.

What did you dream of becoming when you were little?
I wanted to be a hairdresser, a bus driver or a pop star. Yes, I've definitely had a taste of the pop star life now during the tour, and I love it. I think it's so much fun, it's the funniest thing you can do. So I dreamed of being on stage, I dreamed of being able to entertain people, to be able to act, sing, dance and all that I'm doing right now. I'm enjoying life as much as possible, love love love life right now.

I'm not the only one who listens to your podcast. What's the most fun thing about running a podcast?
The most fun thing about running a podcast is having a channel every day to say and express yourself through, to have a platform and that people listen, that's the most fun. Then me and Johanna have so much fun when we work together, being able to sit for an hour a week with one of your best friends and just rant is so damn fun. Then it's really fun when the content we make reaches people and they recognize themselves, that they're not alone in having pooped on a beach! There are people out there living just as embarrassing lives as we do.

What do you do when no one's watching?
When no one's watching, god what do I do then!? So much, way too much. What should I choose. I do everything. I've started picking at my navel in public, it's perhaps rather weirder than the other way around. Things I shouldn't do when people are watching, I do right then, when people are actually watching. Like picking at the navel.

Describe yourself in three words?
Ouch. Three words. Weird, funny and full of energy. Lol!

What is important to you?
What is important to me is that people are well, that we live in a solidarity society where you take care of each other, take care of people who are not as well off as yourself. That is the most important thing for me, and of course that I myself feel well. If you are allowed to be selfish. I have realized that health is so very important. Like this, when you were 23 years old, you were like that, You absolutely have health! But now you realize that health is so fragile and that you absolutely should not take it for granted. Now I'm like a 50-year-old old man, or an aunt who says that you have good health, but I do and you have to remember that.

Describe a perfect day off!
Ah, I love having a completely free day, which I rarely have. It is like most lives, that you constantly have something to do. But a perfect day off for me is to be free either on a Monday or Tuesday, you may have worked a little during the weekend so you can treat yourself to a day off when everyone else is working. Start by sleeping in properly, maybe until like 10.30am or 11.00am. Then I take a shower, then go out, go to Pascal café on Skånegatan and sit there and have a croissant with scrambled eggs that is to die for. Then I go and sit down and flip through a magazine at Lykke café, which is located up by Nytorget, and drink a GOOD coffee. Possibly that I eat breakfast number two around 12 o'clock. Then I like to meet one of my girlfriends for lunch in town. Maybe at Riche or HOFEN!!! Yelling, gossiping and taking a coke zero. Then I do a little shopping in the afternoon. Walking home to Söder, listening to good music and in the evening I will probably go out to Nacka, to my parents and have dinner. Then you can do lots of fun things. In any case, I love being out of town when I'm free.

"My biggest role model in interior design is Alessandro Michele, who is creative director at Gucci"

How did you think when the apartment would become your home, with colors, shapes and expressions?
For me it was so incredibly important. I moved into an apartment that was very unrenovated. It was generally stale and unkempt. My first thought was to repaint, fix all surfaces from floor to ceiling. Then there's this thing about interior design, for me it's not about moving in somewhere and getting it done, and that might sound like a very simple thought. But if you look at TikTok, for example, where there are girls who call themselves interior design consultants who create beige homes and put "hay" in vases, they are done with their interior design. Everything must be new new new. A home for me is a collection of things that you find and collect over the years. An old thought but important to remember in the world we live in today. So I have taken something from my parents, my old apartment and my grandmother, among other things. Another thing was that it felt important to create a luxurious and cozy feeling, that a person lives here who has thought about it. I was told by a friend that my apartment was too small to add much color. I agree, but I love color so I went ahead anyway. Among other things, the kitchen became green, but I have a basic color that permeates the whole home, this beige, almost brown color. It gives space to play with color. My biggest role model in interior design is Alessandro Michele, who is creative director at Gucci. That's why I chose to install the absolutely most beautiful wallpaper ever created in my sleeping alcove, created by Alessandro in particular. I fall asleep and wake up in heaven.

Which famous person, dead or alive, would you like to go to a fun fair with?
Oh, I would like to go to a fun fair with Lena Endre, I think we would have had a lot of fun together.

Tell me about your most emotional memory!
God, how difficult. My most emotional memory right now is from when me and Johanna stand the day before the premiere of Ursäkta Live and I realize that now is the time. I just stood there and cried because it was so sick that we were now going to do three sold-out shows in Globen.

What is your favorite movie?
The devil wears Prada.

I dance to...
Celine Dion.

I go crazy when...
I think about LGBTQ issues in Sweden, which people think is fine, that we are not discriminated anymore. But there is still so much discrimination going on all the time. It's driving me crazy.

You've won my heart if you...
ARE KIND, that's all you need.

My best pick-me-up is...
Servant the cake, are you standing here crumbling

My best quality is...
I think I'm very empathetic and I see people in a room and make them feel included.

I cry with laughter at...
Female comedians across the board. Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Petra Mede, Johanna Nordström.

I hope that...
We live in a kinder world in the near future, which we don't right now.

Last but not least, what would you recommend?
I would recommend going to a performance at the Opera in Stockholm. More people need to see opera, so that more understand that kind of art form. And of course the ham sandwich at Lykke and the egg sandwich at Pascal. Thank you and goodbye!